A flotilla of 13 LSTs (Landing Ship Tank) sailed from Naples to begin the ... minefield where an exploding mine detonated the landing craft’s flammable cargo and sent the vessel to the bottom.
The two country’s landing craft programs share several programmatic ... The vessel was expected to carry some three Abrams M1A1 tanks and envisioned to withstand low-to-medium threats.
Members of the 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion and the 68th Coast Artillery Regiment, they were aboard LST-422, one of 13 craft designated as Landing Ship, Tanks that sailed north together from ...
Learn about Rolls-Royce receiving a $167.3 million contract from the U.S. Navy to support the Ship to Shore Connector Program ...
In one instance, Navy officials expressed interest in seeing a design for a new 56-foot tank landing craft three days before a scheduled visit to see another type of landing craft. Using a tugboat ...