Unfertilized soybean fields with lower soil fertility should be planted earlier than high fertility fields, according to a University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign study that re-evaluates long-time ...
Unfertilized soybean fields with lower soil fertility should be planted earlier than high-fertility fields, according to a ...
As the layer of fertile topsoil thins, it gets increasingly difficult to grow crops for food. Without altering agricultural practices and urgently finding ways to preserve soil, the global food ...
With declining soil fertility due to climate change and intensive farming, soil less farming may provide a more sustainable and productive alternative to soil based farming. One progressive farmer ...
How can soil fertility be managed to give the greatest advantage to the ... Lower nutrient availability means less available for weed growth as well as for crop growth. Higher nutrient levels ...
From 2014 to 2021, the researchers took pre-planting soil samples from 133 unfertilized soybean trials across five Illinois counties. They then correlated the soil test values to yield. When the ...