Gov. Ned Lamont is expected to use a line-item veto to kill a $40 million supplemental appropriation for special education that the Senate unanimously passed Tuesday over the governor’s objections.
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham “partially” vetoed a bill on Thursday aiming to bring sweeping reform to the Department of Game ...
A new measure in Ohio’s Transportation budget could put an end to speed cameras, nixing a department’s ability to send a ...
Supporters of a bipartisan bill to overhaul the New Mexico Game and Fish Department and State Game Commission questioned the governor's power to line-item veto a key provision, but they chose to ...
Law enforcement officials from Liberty, Vienna and Weathersfield townships met Friday with Ohio Sen. Sandra O’Brien, R-Lenox, and ...
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Thursday signed into law an overhaul of New Mexico's Department of Game and Fish, but struck from the bill a provision making it harder to remove Game Commission members ...
The Kentucky legislature has overwhelmingly passed a new sound money bill, sending the measure to Gov. Andy Beshear for his ...