The homeowner was distraught because one of her two live oak trees in the front yard suddenly ... texana), Shumard oak (Q. shumardii), willow oak (Q. phellos), and Ligustrum (Ligustrum spp.) ...
Mike Tidwell is the author of the forthcoming “The Lost Trees of Willow Avenue: A Story of Climate and Hope on One American ...
Tree on Abele Quad and others on East and West campuses have exceeded, or are approaching, their expected lifespan The willow oak tree near Duke University Chapel on Abele Quad was removed on Tuesday, ...
Members of Boy Scout Troop 77 will distribute a variety of trees, including live oak, willow oak, bald cypress, summer red maple, holly, green giant arborvitae, Carolina sapphire, and Japanese cedar.
This week, we meet Black willow or Salix nigra. The black willow is one of several species of willow in Indiana, but it is the only tree-sized willow in the state. This species has long, narrow leaves ...