Lucan (BBC Two), a three-part documentary, reminds us that there was a terrible crime at the heart of this story. It follows ...
Kevin Brophy, who starred as a young man raised by wolves on the short-lived ABC series Lucan and as the doomed leader of a college fraternity in the cult horror film Hell Night, has died.
Investigator Neil turns his attention to a possible sighting of Lucan in Australia. He creates a false identity and goes undercover in order to try and track down his man. Show more On a 2012 ...
Hampshire builder Neil Berriman discovers he is the son of the nanny murdered by Lucan and starts to investigate. He finds evidence that suggests the aristocrat escaped to Africa. Show more Is a ...
This is the story of Lord Lucan, infamous playboy, aristocrat, gambler and murderer. On November 7th, 1974 Lord Lucan's family nanny Sandra Rivett was killed and he disappeared without a trace.