Various official sources list as many as 106 battles, engagements, actions, and skirmishes occurring in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania related to the Gettysburg Campaign. There ...
How brilliant a military leader are you? One of the most important battles of the U.S. Civil War -- and indeed of all U.S. history -- was the battle of Gettysburg. During the three days of July 1 ...
One of the biggest and most well known events in my hometown is the annual Gettysburg Reenactment, which draws thousands of Civil War enthusiasts and history buffs from across the country and even ...
The Pennsylvania Cable Network on Wednesday announced this year's coverage schedule for the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. PCN's programming will air from July 1-3, with two new ...
Egypt’s Coptic Christians Deserve Our Attention — and Our Help Lillie Bliss, MoMA’s Unheralded Founder, Gets a Close Look The battle that turned the Civil War was won by volunteers as well ...
The Gettysburg National ... of the final assault on July 3." Goodell also noted that, along with providing a unique and immersive perspective on the battle to its modern audience, the cyclorama ...