Martin Sheen produced and provided an introduction for the new documentary Aquariums: The Dark Hobby; The actor tells PEOPLE the documentary served as "a very powerful wake-up cal ...
After many decades of making all-time great masterpieces, Martin Scorsese finally won the Academy Awards for Best Picture and Best Director for The Departed, the Boston-set crime drama that was ...
"You know what to do, son," Sheen said gently to Redclay, his co-star in the upcoming movie "The One ... for his first time to make "The One." "Martin talks about that: He goes, 'The only ...
Martin Sheen is an acclaimed actor who's appeared ... forming strong bonds as they traveled together while their dad filmed movies around the world. “We’re a pretty tight unit,” he said.
After two years of nurturing her movie script from a concept to a budding ... witnessed a major growth spurt with legendary actor Martin Sheen officially signing as part of the main cast of ...