The empty tomb In the reading from John’s Gospel for this Easter Sunday we are told that Mary Magdalene “came to the tomb early, while it was still dark…” (Jn. 20:1). We know from Luke’s ...
Jesus rose from death three days later on Easter Day. Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Jesus and he appeared to many more of his followers during the days before his ascension into ...
Easter is also known for eggs ... usually dyed red tied to a story about Mary of Magdalene," Sullivan Vanni said. Egg decorating is a very old practice. The oldest decorated egg, covered in ...
Easter is a special day for Christians across ... According to, red eggs are associated with Mary Magdalene and her role in Christianity. After the Ascension of Christ, Mary Magdalene ...
Jesus rose from death three days later on Easter Day. Mary Magdalene was the first to see the risen Jesus and he appeared to many more of his followers during the days before his ascension into ...
Christians are in the season of Eastertide, the time between Easter and Pentecost. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. And, we will celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of ...