They wash ashore on a strange island inhabited by a powerful magician named Prospero who was the cause of the storm, and his daughter Miranda ... repenting the Tempest is calmed.
Listen to the extract from 'Miranda falls asleep', from Music for The Tempest. The music is by Finnish composer Jean Sibelius, composed 1925-1926. The Tempest has inspired many artists and composers.
Sinclair Theatre will present The Tempest, Shakespeare's magical comedy about revenge and romance, live on stage this spring. Learn more and see how to attend.
Miranda tells Ferdinand that although she has ... The play ends with all the plotters repenting the Tempest is calmed.
Her only comforts are her daughter, Miranda, and her own magical powers, which Prospera uses to conjure a storm that brings several shipwreck survivors ashore, Antonio included. But when her ...