Plants and animals need health lands and waters to live on the Colorado Plateau. Here's what we're doing to help beaver, ...
Relatives of the llama are dropping dung as they venture into higher elevations in the Andes Mountains, providing a nutrient-rich environment for life to thrive despite glacier loss.
What is a habitat? Discover all the many different and varied habitats that plants and animals live in What is a coastal habitat? Explore coastal habitats and discover the different animals and ...
Habitats are diverse environments where plants and animals live, providing natural resources that living things need to ...
“These plants and animals can never be brought back ... in the wild because climate change is allowing mosquitoes to reach further up into their mountain habitat. “Few people realize the extent to ...
high-elevation habitats in the Sacramento Mountains near the town of Cloudcroft, New Mexico. Two of the greatest threats to this plant's survival are livestock grazing and decreasing water ...