Photos then show the captured cow tied to an NDOT vehicle drinking water out of a bucket. “Thankfully, there were no cowlisions and this bovine was brought to safety by animal control,” NDOT ...
Now, NDOT and other state agencies have released a warning on these scams. The scam appears in the form of text messages to victims claiming they have outstanding toll fees and they need to pay ...
Eric Scheetz, Nevada Department of Transportation senior project manager, said before that can happen, NDOT must have proof that Brightline West has the financing in place for the $12 billion project.
The Nevada Department of Transportation will be holding an informational meeting regarding phase two of improvements to U.S. 395.
(WKRN) — With a winter storm warning in effect for Music City starting Tuesday evening, officials with the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) are already ...
Cody Osborne with NDOT said crews showed up Thursday to one of those craters which formed on Dahlia Circle. "It's actually one that our inspectors found, we have inspectors that ride neighborhoods ...
May later died at University Medical Center from crash injuries. The portion of I-15 named after May is part of NDOT’s new Honorary Highway Name program, memorializing first responders who died ...
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is committed to preserving the surface and groundwater resources within the state of Nevada. Stormwater management is particularly important as ...
Reno, NEV — Nevada lawmakers questioned NDOT Director Tracy Larkin Thomason Tuesday about a failed fiber optic project that's spurred a criminal investigation. It's a story News 4 has been ...