Meanwhile, make the jim jaew dressing. Put the uncooked glutinous rice into a shallow frying pan over a medium-high heat and toast until the rice turns golden in colour, about 7–8 minutes.
I learned to make nam jim jaew from a friend who was from Isaan, Thailand. The sauce is addictive, and I sometimes make a double batch so I have a supply in the fridge, ready to perk up other ...
Allow to rest 3. To make the Nam Jim, in a mortar and pestle or a bowl, crush together the coriander, garlic and mint until fragrant. Add lemon, brown sugar and soy sauce and mix. Taste and adjust ...
with the nam jim jaew as the salad dressing. Fresh coriander often come with the roots attached, which keeps the herb fresh for longer. Most people use only the coriander leaves, and discard the ...
Heat the Nahm Jim dressing with a bit of water till a slight boil (we do not have to reduce the sauce). 4. Pour over fish. Garnish with basil, kafir lime leaves or coriander leaves. Heat oil, add red ...