Although most small birds prefer insects or native, wild seeds to munch on, they will also dine on lawn seeds if given the ...
It's blue-green color and fine texture makes it an ideal ornamental grass, with aesthetics enhanced in the fall as foliage ...
Smack in the middle of Spotsylvania Battlefield lies a grassy oasis threaded by walking paths and topped by an assortment of ...
Sudbury grower and co-founder of Native Seed Producers of Canada to address supply and demand issues for restoration, ...
Invasive grasses can quickly take over rangeland and diminish forage quality. Keeping rangeland healthy by not overgrazing ...
A drone is the tool we used to frost seed native grasses and forbs as part of a project on the Ivy Tech Community College-Lafayette Campus. Faculty and staff within the Agriculture Program at Ivy Tech ...
Replacing a mass planting of boxwoods gives you the opportunity to diversify your landscape and try native or underused ...
You'll want to lay down seed when the temperatures start to ... "We encourage organic materials and practices, so the optimal grass is now native grass or a wildflower meadow," explains Janell ...
Establishing cool season grasses from seed in the spring can be much more ... and calendula. Most native plants require a longer cold season, such as would be present for seeds that drop and ...