Paying off your auto loan early isn’t just a smart financial move—it can save you thousands in interest and help you gain ...
It's becoming increasingly expensive to buy a new car.
Car loan refinancing is when you take out a new loan for a vehicle that you’re already financing. Here's how to find out if ...
A market adjustment is an extra fee added by dealerships to the MSRP when there is high demand and limited supply for a ...
Paying for a car loan is becoming increasingly difficult for many Americans.Missed payments have now reached a level not seen ...
Similar to refinancing a car loan, auto loan consolidation involves adjusting the terms of existing loans, specifically for ...
High interest rates have put pressure on households, but some borrowing costs are starting to ease, even with the Fed on the ...
Are you buying a new car? A used car? A very used car? New-car rates are often the lowest. Loan-term length. Automakers started employing a lot of 0% financing to keep cars selling after the ...
A record number of Americans are falling behind on car loans—and more than one factor is causing the trend.
Financing for used vehicles sat at 55.79 percent in the same quarter. 17.04 percent of new car payments were over $1,000, while only 10.34 percent of new car payments were under $400. The average ...
Fitch Ratings this week finds that 6.5% of subprime borrowers were at least two months late on their car payments. That’s the ...