“This particular decay is extremely well predicted in the Standard Model. And it is sensitive to a large variety of ...
Physicists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) use AI to search for subatomic particle evidence. CERN ...
Additionally, I will discuss its use in the MOLLER experiment, which aims to explore new physics beyond the Standard Model with unprecedented precision. February 12, 2025 (Monday) 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Join six leading experts to find out everything we know about the subatomic universe. Take a deep dive into the building blocks of the universe, from the atom to the standard model, and learn how ...
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights ...
Neutrinoless double beta decay experiments probe physics beyond the Standard Model by searching for an extremely rare nuclear decay. The observation of neutrinoless double beta decay would prove that ...
In this project a novel machine learning approach will be used to search for new physics effects beyond the 13 TeV. The project will make a high precision measurement the rate of quark and anti-quark ...
My current effort is focused on searches for evidence of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics motivated by a potential new symmetry of nature known as super-symmetry, which may help ...
My Phuong Le received her Ph.D. from Stanford University in 2011, where she studied collider signatures and effects of New Physics Beyond the Standard Model of Elementary Particle Physics. Before ...
Over the past five decades or so these three theories have been brought together in a ramshackle coalition known as the “standard model” of particle physics ... the face of new evidence ...