Borneo feels incredibly remote and untouched. Then there are the orangutans. By Siobhan Grogan I’m barely ten minutes’ walk from the hotel swimming pool when I spot my first tarantula.
This assumes, of course, that there will still be orangutans left to study in the forests of Borneo and Sumatra. In the 1980s and ’90s, some conservationists predicted that orangutans would go ...
Orangutans are the only great apes in Asia, making their homes on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra in the Malay archipelago. Orangutans are arboreal, meaning they primarily live in the trees.
There are an estimated 60,000 orangutans left in the wild, mostly living in small and scattered populations in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. With an estimated 300 football fields of trees ...
Of greatest conservation concern is the orangutan, which occurs naturally on only two islands in the world, Borneo and Sumatra, and is under increasingly severe pressure, primarily from habitat loss.
Through her foundation, Orangutan Foundation International ... Watch Linsky talk about her love for Borneo. Today, Galdikas spends much of her time in Borneo engaged in research, whereas her ...
The “people of the forest” won’t live in the wild much longer if we keep chopping down their rainforest homes.
Orangutans were once distributed widely across Southeast Asia, roaming as far north as southern China, and as far south as the Indonesian island of Javar. But today Asia's great ape is confined to ...
MPOGCF, through the Sabah Wildlife Department Wildlife Rescue Unit, is ensuring the future of Borneo's cherished wildlife.
A BRITISH charity has overseen the safe return of two critically endangered orangutans to their native Borneo, after they were taught how to live in the wild. A team from the Orangutan Conservation ...