The billionaire won approval to buy and gate small portion of a public street in West Palm Beach, sparking local concerns ...
A West Palm Beach, FL, billionaire is getting his way and snatching up a portion of a public street to build a private ...
A tony home in Palm Beach once meant a columned Mediterranean Revival estate flanked by century-old palm trees. These days, ...
A modern home featuring a shark tank has gone up for sale with an eight-figure asking price in sunny Southern California.
Palm Beach real estate investor Tommy Morrison re-imagined the historic Phipps Plaza home of the late architect John Volk. It ...
The seller had carried out addition projects at her Palm Beach house at 218 Miraflores Drive, which has sold for $13.75 ...
House on Southland Road in Palm Beach was the home of Caroline Sory, whose father founded Tropical Shipping, and her late ...
chair of the real-estate practice at law firm Kramer Levin, who worked with Ross on both projects. Ross is adding another layer of complexity in Florida. In a smaller city like West Palm ...