Spring is right around the corner, meaning, of course, that Easter is also coming up. Chocolate bunnies and colored eggs are part of the experience. And don't forget about the often polarizing ...
Of the sacrifice of Christ, the main sign or figure of the sacrifice of Christ in the Old Testament is the paschal lamb. At every Passover, the Jews recalled and renewed their covenant with God by ...
Hence, the paschal lamb. Some historians then posit that these festivals were then fused with the exodus story to create Passover as we know it today. And as Tamara Prosic wrote in The Development ...
Jesus' legs are not broken, like those of the two men crucified with him. He is thus revealed as the true Paschal lamb, not one of whose bones must be broken (cf. Es 12:46). And now, at the end of ...
He was buried on 22nd May 1860. The brass was made by Hardmans of Birmingham and consists of a cross bearing representations of the Paschal Lamb and the four Evangelists and on the stem are roses, ...