The best kinds of rice to grow in your garden are 'Loto' Upland', 'Hayayuki' Upland, Duborskian', and Scarlett'. You can plant rice in your garden anytime from March to October. If you enjoy ...
A new study has uncovered a molecular mechanism by which rice cells perceive viral infections and initiate antiviral response ...
Planting season is underway for Arkansas farmers, with corn growers first to getting seed in the ground, according to the ...
A groundbreaking study led by Li Yi, professor at the School of Life Sciences, was published in Nature on March 12, titled "Perception of viral ...
Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez sees a better income for Filipino farmers and access to more affordable food for everyone ...
The Japanese government on March 18 handed over rice from its national reserve for sale on the open market -- the first batch ...
A new study published in the journal CABI Reviews highlights the critical role that integrated pest management (IPM) plays in combating the threat fall armyworm poses to Asian rice security.