In an increasingly competitive job market, activities that provide any kind of “advantage” are highly sought after. And what ...
Having started out as a fantasy chess project, TakeTakeTake and its app have brought on board many of the biggest names in ...
Demis Hassabis, a childhood chess prodigy, said his experience with the game afforded him his first brush with AI. He was ...
More people than ever are playing chess and following it online so "you have a huge, sedentary, screen-ready fanbase", but televised chess has never really taken off because the players are static ...
Magnus Carlsen may be the best chess player in the world, but the Norwegian has ruled out a return to the classical World ...
“Most of my chess playing now is online, for fun,” he said. “It’s almost exclusively about personal enjoyment, including when I run into someone who’s better than me. That’s fun.” ...
Five-time world champion and World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen will play a one-off vote chess match in Freestyle format against the ...