They put me to work, though. There are these bugs called praying mantises that lay eggs, and they form pods on the Douglas fir Christmas trees. It’s their favorite tree to infest. Bet you didn ...
After a time of silence, all join in prayers of intercession and ... May your blessing be upon all who gather around this tree, all who keep the Christmas festival by its lights.
In my faith tradition, radical love means welcoming the stranger. It means questioning my very natural human instinct to see ...
Lord hear my prayer ... (Sprinkles tree with holy water.) Then the family can sing a song, an Advent carol, if it knows one, then it is time to bless the crib and eat Christmas Eve supper.
How can we continue to celebrate the Christmas season? Some mysteries are so profound and all-encompassing that they cannot be limited to one day on the calendar. Surely Christmas is one of these ...