The article suggests a better way to inject and transport electric charges – an advancement that showcases the significant potential of 2D materials in advancing future semiconductor technologies.
This shows an object from the side with two vanishing points. It gives the most realistic view of a product as it shows the item edge on, as we would see it. It is often used to produce realistic ...
PxE's new Holographic RGB-IR-Depth Camera technology can transform standard 2D cameras in ... additional cost or complexity to the product," he said. Holographic technology from ...
The team claims to have tested their transistor against products from Intel ... the current state of the tech industry, not ...
"The increased drive current, coupled with the reduced device capacitance due to the thinness of the 2D semiconductor compared to silicon, enhances the overall energy-delay-product (EDP ...
A new review article provides an overview of the use of two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) for the quantitative analysis of natural products.