Take stem cuttings or propagate the plant by air layering. Monstera, also known as Swiss-cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron, is one of the most popular houseplants around. And for good reason ...
If you want to try an advanced propagation technique, you can propagate your climbing Philodendron by air layering it, says ...
Here’s a step-by step instruction on how to propagate monstera, as recommended by houseplant experts. The exciting thing about propagating monsteras is that you can do it two ways. Depending on ...
One of the most popular and readily available is the monstera deliciosa, commonly called split-leaf philodendron ... these tropical beauties prefer growing conditions like that of their native ...
Large-leaved plants are the fashionistas of the indoor plant world. At least, that’s what the garden trendspotters say.
Monstera, also known as Swiss-cheese plant or split-leaf philodendron ... monstera is a low-maintenance plant that is easy to propagate (meaning you can enjoy its beauty in abundance or share ...