Watch Wes Cowan appraise an 1857 Queen's Cup Ascot race trophy in Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Hour 3. Funding for ANTIQUES ROADSHOW is provided by Ancestry and American Cruise Lines.
All the belated news from India seemed bad, and Victoria vented her fury on the prime minister. "The Queen must say," she wrote to Palmerston on August 25, 1857, "that the Government incur[s] a ...
Queen Victoria restored the reputation of a monarchy ... Crosses personally to 62 men at a ceremony at Hyde Park in 1857. It was the first time officers and men had been decorated together.
He was again voted as an MP from 1852 to 1857. Athenaeum (Image: Glasgow City Archives) A highlight of his second term as Lord Provost was that he received the young Queen Victoria, the Prince ...
Here, in November 1857, he carried out his VC-winning action ... action and he travelled to England to receive the VC from ...