Rhubarb is an ideal edible plant for the central Ohio home gardener, and another example of the few vegetable plants which ...
One of the key ingredients of growing rhubarb is patience. Sarah said you shouldn't harvest them at all in the first season, ...
Growing rhubarb is ideal for vegetable gardening for beginners (yes, it's considered a vegetable despite being used for ...
We recommend that you grow rhubarb from one-year-old plants ... the divided plants and place the crown in the hole with its roots facing downwards. The top of the crown should be 2.5cm (1in ...
One of the best ways to do that is to mulch rhubarb plants. Mulching involves covering ... rains will direct the nutrients down towards the roots.” Mulching materials can include organic matter ...
Let’s set the record straight: Rhubarb is a vegetable ... others do best when transplanted. For many plants, starting either way is fine. Root vegetables, such as carrots, turnips and beets ...
Of home-made rhubarb crumble ... be repeated several times depending on the size of the parent plant. Species with fibrous root systems are most suitable for this technique.
Rhubarb crowns are best planted in early spring when the roots are still dormant, or the plants are just beginning to leaf out. Rhubarb can also be planted in the fall after dormancy has set in.