Speaking of the royal initiative, put forward by King Mohamed VI, the report mentioned that it aims to turn the territory into a gateway to Central Sub ... against Sahel risks with Sahara as ...
In the Sahel – a semi-arid region south of the Sahara desert – China is also supporting the military juntas of neighbouring Burkina Faso and Mali to help them strengthen their armed forces.
Bayanan hoto, . Yankin da ke kudu da hamadar Sahara, Sahel ya fara ne tun daga yammacin gaɓar ruwan Afirka zuwa gabashinta. Yadda GTI ya siffanta yankin ya ƙunshi wasu yankuna a ƙasashe 10 ...
From the beginning, MUJAO had a clearly Sahelian orientation, framing its fight in terms of historical jihads fought in the region in the nineteenth century and openly promoting its recruitment of ...
According to the department, the sides also "reviewed the current situation in the Sahara-Sahel Region with a focus on further coordination of efforts in order to promptly establish a constructive ...