Here are some tips for making it more effective. Of course, logic and a sound scientific argument are fundamental to a good point-by-point response, but this is meant to be a positive scientific ...
It could be that our home galaxy, the Milky Way, is not an entirely hospitable galaxy for life, according to a scientific report last month that suggests other galaxies in the universe could host ...
This topic remains poorly understood in scientific circles, in part due to wide variation in the concentrations of taste compounds in different foods, as well as the inherent subjectivity of taste.
SIR WILLIAM THOMSON has endeavored to prove the recent age of the earth by three well-known arguments of a purely physical nature: The first is based on the age of the sun's heat; the second ...
In an attempt to find new arguments against hESC research, the opponents are now trying to spin science—both its problems and successes—to fit an anti-scientific purpose. In her effort to ...
Every one of us is made up of atoms that were once part of an exploding star, including atomic carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen - some of the fundamental ingredients for life. Over billions of years ...