Sebi on Friday said it has relaxed the timeline for alternative investment funds to hold their investments in dematerialised ...
SEBI has launched the digital platform MITRA to help investors trace and reclaim inactive or unclaimed mutual fund folios.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is ramping up its efforts to modernize the securities market by proposing the mandatory issuance of shares in dematerialised form for events like ...
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has released draft circulars seeking public comments on proposed revisions to financial disclosure and compliance norms for Real Estate Investment Trusts ...
Sebi on Wednesday introduced a new digital platform, MITRA, to assist investors in tracking and reclaiming inactive or unclaimed mutual fund folios.
If, the investee company of the AIF has been mandated to facilitate dematerialisation or if the AIF exercises control over the company along with other Sebi-registered entities required to hold ...