The sextant was the most advanced of these devices, allowing users to determine their latitude to within a sea mile or two, even from a swaying deck. In the years after the sextant was invented in ...
An artificial horizon for sea use has been wanted for the last hundred years; in fact, ever since the sextant came into general use. It is a matter of common occurrence for mist or fog to obscure ...
Sextants use a similar premise to astrolabes to navigate at sea, but sextants were designed specifically for this purpose. You use the sextant to determine the angle between the horizon and a ...
using a sextant and a theodolite at the spot where she eventually sank in 1915, after becoming trapped and eventually crushed by the thick sea ice of the Weddell Sea. The Endurance22 expedition ...
There's no way around it: Celestial navigation using a sextant is a complex and involved process that involves a fair amount of calculating, correcting, referring to tables, knowledge of the ...
A useful invention emerged: the sextant, an instrument that allowed sailors ... 1700s were drastically affected by rough conditions at sea and tended to become inaccurate after short periods ...