Trouble with communication and social interaction sometimes makes community participation difficult and friendships hard to attain. Our work measures social and community participation in high school ...
The definition of "hikikomori"—people who avoid social participation and generally stay at home—according to criteria used by ...
In the United States, older women who survive stroke commonly experience social participation restrictions. Older stroke survivors in the United States, particularly women, commonly experience social ...
If your students are hesitant to speak up, you can try these ideas to help them find the confidence they need to engage fully ...
The aim of the present study is to investigate the long term effects on the recovery of gait, balance and social participation of gait rehabilitation with TheraTogs compared to gait rehabilitation ...
This is not grounds for rejecting it, but for fighting harder for it, and understanding the fields of power within which meaningful participation for transformative social change lies. Research by our ...
Our research in Manchester’s Access and Participation plan (PDF, 665KB) shows no significant differences in the entry qualifications or the degree attained between students from widening participation ...
People have different preferences and reasons for choosing to participate in sport and their choice is influenced by a number of factors including: ...
Sebi has reduced the minimum investment for Zero Coupon Zero Principal instruments on the Social Stock Exchange from Rs ...