Cabbage rolls pop up in many different world cuisines, especially in Poland and Ukraine. But what is the difference between ...
It's about how you cook it. People tend to overcook it, not letting it express all its potential,” says author Alissa ...
7. Sprinkle the meatballs with parsley. Serve in 6 shallow bowls, setting 2 in each bowl, with sour cream. Holubsti are Ukrainian stuffed cabbage rolls that are prepared many ways, writes Kyiv ...
In her new cookbook, “Kapusta: Vegetable-Forward Recipes from Eastern Europe,” Alissa Timoshkina calls cabbage rolls “a culinary genre in their own right.” There are variations across the region, all ...
The perfect side: slow-cooked red cabbage with sweet and sour spices. Just the smell of it simmering on the stove brings that festive feeling to your kitchen. This recipe can be made in advance ...
Alissa Timoshkina wrote “Kapusta” to feature vegetable-forward dishes from the region. Many include meat as well.