Since the Industrial Revolution, human activity has led to a surge in environmental noise. The sounds of traffic, airplanes, ...
A groundbreaking study by University of Nebraska–Lincoln biologists has revealed that funnel-weaving spiders, also known as ...
Whether you are a fan of spiders or terrified of them, you can’t help but admire their ability to make webs. These ...
Simulations showed that stretching aligns protein chains and increases hydrogen bonds, which act like tiny bridges between ...
A nursery owner in West Sussex got a shock after an eight-legged stowaway was found on a shipment of olives from Cordoba, ...
An American and a Japanese were among people who helped identify the mystery spider sac photographed by a Singaporean. Read ...
The spider has since been taken in by enthusiast Jack Casson from Hartlepool, whose girlfriend named her Bessie.