If you or your dog finds yourself on the wrong end of a skunk spray, there is no end of myths and urban legends about how to wash away that nasty skunk scent. Skunk spray gets its smell from thiol ...
A mountain lion is one of the most powerful predators in North America. It moves silently through forests and mountains, ...
Brace yourself and watch this one-minute video, where Ask Smithsonian host Eric Schulze sticks his nose into the science of skunk spray. Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our ...
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Several haredi Orthodox residents of Jerusalem have petitioned the High Court of Justice to stop the police’s use “skunk spray,” a foul-smelling chemical compound ...
If you're wondering why you're seeing — or smelling — skunks out and about in February, well, mating season is underway. As the critters pair up this season, watch out for sku ...
You're enjoying a long evening dog walk as late-Feburary weather begins to bring the first tell-tale signs of spring. But then, you're confronted by that familiar smell. Skunks are out and on the ...