or: Mary, mother of grace ... The meditations that follow are from Holy Rosary, written in 1931 by St. Josemaría Escrivá. A meditation on the Luminous Mysteries did not appear in Holy Rosary ...
As Pope Francis languishes in hospital, thousands gather to pray the rosary - Faithful are leaning on a centuries-old ...
When Mary gave the rosary to Saint Dominic in 1208, she gave the explicit instruction that it was to be used to overcome a heresy. She called the rosary a weapon, a battering ram, for the defeat ...
Many Catholics recall similar vigils held in St. Peter’s Square when Pope John Paul II was hospitalized in the final days of his papacy in 2005. Today, as Pope Francis battles health concerns, the ...
The St. Michael’s Youth Rosary group meets during the school year at the Pope Francis Parish Center at 345 43rd Street, ...
The Vatican announced on Feb. 24 that cardinals in Rome would lead a nightly Rosary for Pope Francis with Vatican Secretary ...
The Polish prelate, who heads the Vatican's Dicastery for the Service of Charity, is the pope's point man for distributing ...