Early people not only came out of Africa, but much later, some returned to it by boat across the Mediterranean, possibly from ...
The Stone Age in Britain took place between around 15000BC to 2500BC. The Mesolithic period is known as the middle stone age. Stone Age people cut up their food with sharpened stones and cooked it ...
providing important new insights into the development of abstract thinking and cultural complexity in this period. The Paleolithic (or Old Stone Age) was the earliest and longest phase of human ...
The site near Scarborough originally lay on the shore of an island in an ancient lake and dates to the Mesolithic, or ‘Middle Stone Age’ period. Over thousands of years the lake slowly filled in with ...
Darker skin tones may have been the norm in Europe for many centuries longer than previously thought, analysis of human ...
Initially, its similarities to Stonehenge had archeologists and historians assuming that Flagstones must be of a similar date ...