Pregnancy can increase kidney stone risk due to hormonal shifts, calcium metabolism changes, and dehydration. Limited ...
The formation of kidney stones is a complex and multifactorial process. They may form due to intrinsic causes (age, sex, and heredity) or extrinsic factors (such as geography, climate, dietary ...
These minerals are crucial in the formation of kidney stones. Even when a normal amount of sodium is consumed daily, some people are more prone to kidney stones. Experts suggest that people with a ...
Fast food culture has contributed to the rise of kidney stones, along with other health complications. By making healthy ...
Neutrophil-to-HDL ratio could be a simple and effective predictive marker for kidney stones that may enable early diagnosis and intervention. A higher neutrophil-to-high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ...
Fish traps that have survived tens of thousands of years show the resourcefulness of Brunswick’s indigenous population, according to author, biologist and Brunswick resident Don Peterson. “I’m amazed ...