Aside from the coming peak of the Perseid meteor shower, the August full moon is coming up and it's going to be a super moon ... It is known as the Sturgeon Moon because sturgeons - a type ...
blue moon and sturgeon moon. So what do they all mean? The "super" part refers to the moon's orbit, which brings it slightly ...
August begins and ends with a full moon. This month's full moon, nicknamed the Sturgeon Moon, rises on Aug. 1 this year and reaches peak illumination at 11:32 a.m. PT — and fortunately for lunar ...
Therefore the upcoming full moon, named the sturgeon moon, will also be a supermoon, making it the fourth and last of the year. The term sturgeon moon originates from the native American Algonquin ...
Sturgeons are one of the oldest groups of fishes. Sporting an armor of five rows of bony, modified scales called dermal ...
Kicking off August's cosmic calendar was the Sturgeon Moon ... resulting in a super blue moon. Blue moons are rare occurrences that occur every two and a half years on average.