An international team has confirmed the discovery of a super-Earth in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star. This planet, named HD 20794 d, could offer conditions conducive to life. Located ...
Scientists from Oxford University have confirmed the discovery of HD 20794 d, a “super-Earth” exoplanet located 20 ...
This is the background to the discovery of super-Earth HD 20794 d by an international team including the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the NCCR PlanetS. '"Are we alone in the universe?"' ...
Scientists believe the exoplanet HD 20794 d, six times the mass of Earth, could harbour liquid water on its surface.
Earth' exoplanet, HD 20794 d, located just 20 light-years away, which could potentially host life. It resides in t ...
The discovery of a planet that is just 20 light-years away has been said to be the closest Earth analogue that scientists have ever uncovered.
An international team of scientists has confirmed the discovery of the exoplanet HD 20794 d, which could potentially support ...
Scientists found an intriguing world in our galaxy.
The climate on such a world must be beyond bizarre. A super-Earth planet that dips in and out of its star's habitable zone has been discovered just 19.7 light-years away. The planet, known as HD ...
An international team of scientists has confirmed the discovery of a super-Earth—a planet larger than Earth but smaller than ...
It was, of course, a great joy for me when we could confirm the planet’s existence,” said Dr. Cretignier. “It was also a ...
A team of international researchers has confirmed the discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet that may have the right conditions ...