Cutting a portion of the sheep’s tail is called tail docking. It is an animal husbandry practice done for health, welfare and management reasons. In breeding females it eases mating just as D ...
The vast majority of sheep undergo the painful mutilations of having their tails cut off (tail docking) and castration. While not widely practiced in the United States, extreme but less common ...
Meanwhile, the committee recommends that ‘tail docking should only be permitted where there is a high risk of flystrike and on lambs that are not intended for slaughter before the blowfly season and ...
It does not necessarily reflect the view of The Herald. Pressure is mounting on the UK and Scottish governments to change the rules on castration and tail docking of lambs. It looks like the rubber ...
Cutting a portion of the sheep’s tail is called tail docking. It is an animal husbandry practice done for health, welfare and management reasons. In breeding females it eases mating just as D ...