Solid data have now confirmed that recent exposure to the alpha-blocker tamsulosin is associated with a markedly increased risk of serious adverse events immediately after cataract removal.
Alpha blockers are substances that antagonize alpha ... these drugs are usually taken at night to lessen the side-effects. Tamsulosin and alfuzosin are less selective towards arterial alpha ...
These vascular effects can, however, be greatly reduced by the use of the α 1a receptor antagonist tamsulosin, which specifically targets urothelial smooth muscle. α-Blockers are not yet ...
Table 1 shows patient data including the type of α 1-blocker taken and other baseline ... in nocturia at baseline between patients taking tamsulosin silodosin and naftopidil.
Specifically for the DUT + TAM FDC vs. tamsulosin monotherapy, economic analyses have been conducted in the UK, [10] Canada, [11] Spain, [12] and Scandinavia, [13] where the fixed-dose ...