Sorghum is expected to be an attractive crop for areas experiencing drier than usual field conditions. Bryan Thomas with ...
Sorghum’s uptake in dairy rations has continually grown, but the crop's limiting factors have laid hurdles for those who ...
Texas sorghum growers like the water sipping quality of the crop and still could feel the drought. Nationwide, sorghum grain production in 2024 was estimated 344 million bushels, up 8% from the ...
Wheat producers are in a tough position due to drought right now, according to a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service specialist.
Although this pest had previously only affected sorghum farming in Africa, in 2013, a sugarcane aphid outbreak in Texas and other states led to crop losses of up to 50% and an estimated economic ...
U.S. farmers are projected to shift acreage to corn this spring as corn prices maintain an impressive run while prices for competing crops struggle to keep pace.