Keen to grow your own cucumbers this year? Whether you’ve got a small patio, greenhouse or balcony, learning how to grow ...
Discover tips for early spring planting, including seed sowing and transplanting advice to ensure a successful garden season.
Here's our guide to growing your own. Before buying cucumber seed, check that they're ideal for your needs. Greenhouse cucumbers need to be raised in growing bags under the protection of glass ...
Here’s how to grow cucumbers, from seed to harvest. Find more fast-growing vegetables for your garden. Cucumber plants crave two things above all else: heat and water. This means that you have ...
Imagine plucking crisp cucumber s straight from your garden to enjoy in salads, sandwiches, or refreshing summer drinks. This guide equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to cultivate ...
Be careful not to overwater them or the plants can rot and die. Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse or polytunnel Plant into growing bags or pots (10-litre or larger) of Best Buy compost for containers ...