Over the weekend, authorities recovered the body of a missing kayaker in South Carolina’s Lake Marion without his PFD on.
As the weather warms, more paddlers will be hitting the water and some of them will be starting their first adventure as kayak anglers. Undoubtedly having a kayak can be a game-changer for anglers.
The kayak worked fine in New Jersey, especially on lakes like Budd, Swartswood. and Hopatcong. It even carried me on one mildly perilous trip down the Musconetcong River. It was a good fishing boat.
including an adult and youth grand prize for the heaviest trout caught each day. The grand prizes — fishing kayaks — were provided by The Fish Sniffer magazine and Angler’s Press Outdoors.
Ahead of trout season, fishing is not permitted on lakes and ... to increase recreational opportunities at, such as adding kayak rentals to Long Arm Reservoir. Reichart added that there are ...