Uniper then sought arbitration against Gazprom Export (Gazprom) to end its contract and claim damages. Despite winning, a ...
Verschiedene Energieunternehmen haben Gazprom wegen fehlender Gaszufuhr angeklagt. Es handelt sich um Milliarden. Gazprom ...
Uniper remitted to Germany about EUR 2.6 billion in aid repayments in relation to the government's bail-out of the power and ...
State-owned Uniper , which was bailed out during Europe's energy crisis, said on Thursday that it has repaid the German ...
Düsseldorf - Der mit Milliardenbeihilfen gerettete Energiekonzern Uniper hat rund 2,6 Milliarden Euro an Deutschland ...
Uniper then sought arbitration against Gazprom Export (Gazprom) to end its contract and claim damages. Despite winning, a Russian court shot back at Uniper with a $14 billion fine, raising doubts ...
European energy firms have filed lawsuits against Russian energy giant Gazprom totaling 18 billion euros ($19.6 billion) over gas supply cuts, the Moscow Times reported on March 10. The claims stem ...
Deutschlands größter Gashändler Uniper bekam 2022 Milliardenhilfen. Schon damals stand fest, dass etwas zurückgezahlt werden ...
Damals flossen 530 Millionen Euro. Es war Geld, was Uniper im August 2022 im Zuge des Gasstreits mit dem russischen Gaskonzern Gazprom einbehalten hatte, als dieser kein Gas mehr lieferte.