Four decades years after their discovery, the 13 mysterious rings around Uranus surprised astronomers again this summer. In June, new images captured their warm glow for the first time.
At first they believed that Uranus had five rings, but more observations have revealed that it actually has 13 rings. Days from partial government shutdown deadline, here's where things stand JP ...
Does it rain diamonds on Neptune and Uranus? Scientists uncover how extreme pressure and temperature deep inside these ice giants create a continuous diamond rain.
Near-infrared image of Uranus ring system taken with the Adaptive Optics system on the 10-m Keck telescope in July 2004. This image, taken at 2.2 micron wavelength, shows the main ring system in ...
An enhanced image from the high-powered telescope orbiting in space shows the planet Uranus in stunning new detail. The photo captures the icy blue planet's elusive rings, atmospheric storms ...
Uranus' moons and rings are also orientated this way, suggesting they formed during a cataclysmic impact which tipped it over early in its history.
It is this methane that gives the planet its distinctive aquamarine colour, which is visible in this image of Uranus, one of 77 composite photographs that appeared in Otherworlds: Visions of our Solar ...
Four decades years after their discovery, the 13 mysterious rings around Uranus surprised astronomers again this summer. In June, new images captured their warm glow for the first time.