In medical applications that involve using radioactive sources, efforts are made to ensure that irradiation does not cause any long-term effects. This is done by considering: If the half-life ...
Detecting radiation is a fundamental necessity for national security, but doing so effectively and at a distance is a tall ...
IMRT uses a linear accelerator, a computer-controlled machine that’s about the size of a small car. It sends high-energy radiation or X-rays to cancers. IMRT doesn’t hurt. You shouldn’t feel ...
In view of the increasingly widespread use of radioactive colloidal gold for instillation into serous cavities and of the hazards described above, it is believed that a discussion of the methods ...
If you have cancer, you might see a doctor who specializes in radiation oncology. It's an area of medicine that uses "radiation therapy" -- a treatment that focuses high-energy waves on your body ...
IF a chemist is asked to report on the use of the new tracer technique in biology, it is obvious that he is expected not to discuss the scientific problems, but the laboratory technique.
The backscatter scanner uses ionizing radiation, which has led to some backlash from concerned passengers. Is it dangerous to get scanned by the backscatter full-body scanner at the airport?
Use of a radioisotope or other radiation sources at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry requires a license from the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Environmental Radiation ...