I call the next phase in the Monroe Doctrine the “strongman” phase. It was mercifully short-lived, spanning Grover Cleveland’s second presidency in the 1890s. In 1895, war seemed to loom ...
Trump’s exploitative version of the Monroe Doctrine only bolsters Petro’s propaganda power. In 2019 Trump invoked the doctrine in a speech to the United Nations, linking it to his brand of ...
According to Michael Sexton in these pages, “since the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in 1823 by the US, it has designated both North and South America to be US spheres of influence” (“Only US and ...
The Monroe Doctrine laid the foundation for future ... Roosevelt's role in the Spanish-American War contributed to U.S. military victories in Cuba, leading to U.S. control of Puerto Rico and ...
Beyond repudiation, the document calls on social and grassroots organizations to speak out against this fascist policy being ...
Trump’s exploitative version of the Monroe Doctrine only bolsters Petro’s propaganda power. In 2019 Trump invoked the doctrine in a speech to the United Nations, linking it to his brand of ...