GENTLE READER: Even Miss Manners, who was most decidedly not reared by wolves, is having difficulty distinguishing between ...
Yet a survey that was part of ASM's Clean Hands Campaign revealed this dirty little secret: Though 95% of men and women claim that they wash after using a public toilet, observations made by ...
Shocking! Bengaluru roadside eateries shut down after officials discover they have been using toilet room water for cooking ...
Do you wash your hands every time you use the toilet? How about before you handle food? Be honest. Australia's Food Safety Information Council has released its latest report card on the country's ...
Narrator: No one likes making their bed, let alone washing their sheets ... more bacteria than pet-food bowls and several thousand times more bacteria than a toilet seat. Like Staphylococcus ...
A team of researchers has tackled a riddle that surfaced after the COVID-19 outbreak: Is it more hygienic to close the toilet lid before flushing? The protocol to close the lids appeared in more ...