While cutting back your garden water usage may feel like a proverbial drop in the bucket, it can really add up. Gardener ...
Have you ever wondered how often you should water your vegetable garden? Watering may seem straightforward, but there are ...
If dragging a hose around in the summer makes you weary or if your water bill soaks you in guilt, it is time to tame the thirsty plants in your garden with better soil, mulching and encouraging a ...
While a garden hose is often the garden tool of choice for watering, a watering can is a valuable tool for those who live in condos or apartment complexes, says Joan Mazat, container gardening ...
You may see signs of spring bulbs in your outdoor garden now, but make this the week of planning a future landscape that requires less water and less weeding by adding some succulents to your ...
“The roots of herbs are somewhat simplistic. They require daily watering.” Most indoor-garden kits use either a self-watering or hydroponic system to grow plants. I started with a self ...
Outdoor irrigation accounts for a significant portion of household watering,” said City of Grand Junction Water Conservation ...
A few hours each week spent outdoors nurturing fruits, flowers and vegetables can provide exercise, stress reduction, vitamin D and a better diet.
The Fort Worth Botanic Garden is hosting YardSmart, a free event teaching water conservation in gardening, on March 1, with ...