Fought has met with three out of four wetland contractors and expects contractors to each present a design-build plan. Davey Resource Group, Mad ScienTritist partnering with Vantilburg Farms, V3, and ...
The project, funded by a grant from the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund, will restore over 100 acres of ...
The newly acquired property will be added to one of the trust's existing preserves to help preserve wetlands and wildlife habitats.
The project, funded by a grant from the Chesapeake and Atlantic Coastal Bays Trust Fund, will restore over 100 acres of forested wetlands. New trails are available for adventurous hikers at the ...
The preserve features a 1.9-mile looped hiking trail over fairly level terrain, a lookout over springs and wetlands, old stone fences and historic farm buildings that provide a habitat for bats ...